CBS Apolgies to Vietnam Veterans, Families
Mar 25, 2013
The CBS reality show “Amazing Race,” began with an apology last night that read: “Parts of last Sunday’s episode, filmed in Vietnam, were insensitive to a group that is very important to us: our nation’s veterans. We want to apologize to veterans – particularly those who served in Vietnam – as well as their families and any viewers who were offended by the broadcast. All of us here have the most profound respect for the men and women who fight for our country.” Below is a response sent today by the VFW National Commander to the head of CBS. A web link is at
March 25, 2013
Mr. Leslie Moonves
President & CEO, CBS Corporation
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
Dear Mr. Moonves:
On behalf of the 2 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and our Auxiliaries, thank you for the apology to America’s Vietnam Veterans and their families that aired at the beginning of last night’s episode of ”The Amazing Race.”
As the nation’s largest and oldest major war veterans’ organization, our toughest challenge is keeping the American public and her government focused on veterans after every war and conflict ends. Our nation has many national priorities, but to the VFW, making sure our men and women who serve in uniform return home to a grateful and respectful nation is paramount. Your network and all of its programs can be of tremendous assistance in that mission.
Again, thank you for hearing our voice.