Apr 29, 2015
WASHINGTON — Amidst the Baltimore street rioting this week came an on-air comment Tuesday from CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin that seemingly blamed the tension on military veterans who return from war and become police officers prepared to do battle in communities they don’t know.
She publicly apologized this morning, but the national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States believes her statement and those of many other media pundits display an ignorance about what it means to serve in the uniform of their country.
“No one wants peace more than those who wear the badge and those who wear the uniform,” said VFW National Commander John W. Stroud. “To have someone in the press make a personal statement that, apology or not, accuses military veterans as being the aggressors is as unacceptable as it is insulting.
“Our country should celebrate the fact that highly trained and motivated veterans are choosing to continue serving their nation and communities as police officers — a profession, just like the military, that most Americans would fail even the most basic entrance requirements,” he said. “Journalistic standards should demand better than accusatory statements made without any facts or reality.” The VFW asks all veterans, military and family members to view her on-air comment and the ensuing apology, and if so compelled, to let her know your thoughts through CNN’s viewer feedback link here.
Contact: Joe Davis, Director of Public Affairs, VFW Washington Office, jdavis@vfw.org.