From Zero Benefits to Full 100 Percent Service-Connected Disability

'I’m just grateful I can do this work every day'

Daniel Fletcher, National Pre-Discharge Claims Representative, National Veterans Service, has worked hundreds of cases in his two years with the VFW. But one case in particular rises to the top of the list.

“I started helping Bob*, who was retiring from the Army, with his VA claim,” Fletcher explains. “At first, it seemed like an ordinary case. Bob was seeking benefits for common injuries like back and joint injuries.”

But something told Fletcher there was more to Bob’s story.

“As I began to question him, I could tell he was suffering a whole lot more than he initially let on,” Fletcher continues. “His combat tours had taken their toll on his physical and mental health. I explained to him that he needed to consider his other injuries.”

Fletcher worked with Bob to complete a detailed VA claim. His VA medical exam confirmed Fletcher’s suspicions.

“Bob got his decision in the mail — he was rated as 100% permanently and totally disabled,” Fletcher says. “This rating allows him to live a much better life, one he never imagined.”

Due to the 100% rating, Bob will receive additional tax advantages and enhanced educational benefits for himself and children, among other benefits.

“He didn’t understand what this fully meant until I explained it to him,” Fletcher says. “He was ecstatic.”

For his part, Fletcher is humble.

“I’m just grateful I can do this work every day. I had a negative experience when I left the military. I feel we [the VFW] are good people doing good work for good people,” Fletcher concluded.

*Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.