VFW Congratulates VFW Post 10804, April Post of the Month

Individuals in the community — and well beyond it — benefit from Post members’ generosity and service

No matter the time of year, when you check the calendar of VFW Post 10804, you are sure to find something worthwhile. Located in N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the Post hosts regular functions and is almost always raising funds for a good cause. Members can also be spotted in the community building connections and giving back through other engagements.

It is important to Commander Mike Mishoe that the Post reflects its members. He encourages each of them to play an active role, saying, “This is your Post. You are an owner. Invest time and money to make it a place we all want to go and share time with comrades, auxiliary, guests and friends.”

VFW Post 10804 is the April 2022 #StillServing Post of the MonthMembers have ample opportunity to take Mishoe up on this. Each week, the Post hosts several meals to bring people together for good food and company. Other monthly activities further build comradery and benefit those in need. For instance, the Post often hosts fundraising events for VFW National Home and provides ongoing support to the local VA Clinic’s Veterans Needs Program.

Individuals in the community — and well beyond it — benefit from Post members’ generosity and service, too. From hosting food and coat drives to donating to a local ROTC program to sending emergency supplies to individuals in Kentucky, who were impacted by tornadoes, Post 10804 shows up.

Even during the holidays, you’ll find members putting others first. On Thanksgiving, friends and family are invited to share a meal prepared by members. And through its Angel Tree program, the Post provides gifts to children as well as veterans, who they visit at local nursing homes. Without such generosity, many of those heroes would not have holiday celebrations to enjoy.

The Post’s far-reaching service is inspiring — people want to take part in it. The numbers speak for themselves. As of this month, it met some important thresholds.

“The Post is 100% in membership. We are also number one in the state for total community service. Everyone is a key contributor in both these milestones,” said Mishoe.  

VFW Post 10804 has proven it is there for veterans and the greater N. Myrtle Beach area in a variety of ways. Its devoted members are proof of the good work being done. The VFW is proud to honor Post 10804 members who are #StillServing.

If you’re a veteran with a #StillServing story to share, we want to hear from you.


