I served on active duty in the U.S. Navy from 1979-1990. My membership in the VFW is based on multiple temporary duty assignments (TDY) to Korea from my duty station in Yokosuka from 1981-1983. I have a Korea Service Medal award.
While some think of the time I served as the Cold War, there were many conflicts involving great danger. Somalia, Bosnia, Grenada, Falklands. The forgotten wars … I particularly remember the attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon. So many lives lost.
After my service, I eventually became a licensed professional counselor. I served 3 ½ years as a contractor with the Georgia National Guard from 2009-2012. During that time, thousands of Georgia soldiers and airmen deployed overseas and many did not come home or came home broken. I continue to serve now as a veteran advocate for those brothers and sisters and many others.
I founded a social media network group named Georgia Military Women in 2012. We now have over 2,000 members seeking to recognize and honor the service of women veterans. Just recently the establishment of a Women Veterans Program has been approved by our Governor in his most recent budget. I am proud of our ladies here and am happy to have served our nation.
Dr. Amy Stevens, Ed.D., LPC.
Former Navy LT (O-3)