
Commemorating the wars and conflicts of our nation’s past, and honoring all those who served in them is a VFW priority. We help to rally local level support of national endeavors because we know that by working together, America’s heroes will never be forgotten. It’s just another way we are able to give back to those who have sacrificed so much for our way of life. 
VFW Celebrates 125 Years We Are Celebrating the Legacy

VFW 125th Anniversary

On September 29, 2024, the VFW officially enters its 125th year of service to veterans, service members and their families!

This celebration is one the VFW takes great pride in as it has remained at the forefront in the fight for veterans for well over a century - making certain those willing to sacrifice everything for our great nation, return home to a grateful one ready to deliver on the promises made in exchange for ensuring our freedom. 


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World War I Centennial

World War I Centennial Commemoration

By the end of 1918, 4 million Americans had served in support of World War I with more than 116,500 paying the ultimate sacrifice.

As the centennial anniversary of the "Great War" approached, the VFW called on our members and supporters to help as we joined the United States World War I Centennial Commission in honoring, commemorating and educating the public about the war.

As a commemoration supporter, the VFW helped spotlight events, publications, productions, activities and programs that encouraged people in the U.S. to learn about the history of World War I, the United States' involvement in the war, and the war's effects on the remainder of the 20th century, all while commemorating and honoring the participation of the United States and its citizens in the war effort.


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America celebrates 250 years in 2026

America 250

The year 2026 marks the 250th anniversary of our nation's founding, and the VFW is joining in on the journey to honor and celebrate the last 250 years of American history and build a lasting legacy for the next 250. 

To help observe this momentous occasion, the U.S. Semiquincentennial Commission will encourage Americans to remember our past, celebrate the present, and look forward to a promising future. It is reaching out to individuals, communities, state and local governments, cultural institutions, national parks and proud partners across the country — to inspire the American spirit in ways that are meaningful to all.

As a celebration partner, the VFW will help provide important communication and engagement channels to amplify America 250's reach and impact, while helping to imagine and implement programming while activating our network to support and increase participation. The VFW is encourage its Posts and Auxiliaries to explore partnership opportunities with America 250. Begin by learning more about the Commission’s plan to explore how best to contribute to America 250’s success.  


National Desert Storm Memorial

National Desert Storm Memorial

Designed based on the feedback of hundreds of Desert Shield and Desert Storm veterans, the National Desert Storm Memorial will provide a meaningful and deeply moving sequential experience for visitors. Educating visitors on the events of the war, the memorial will also serve to showcase the united multi-nation coalition; memorialize the names of the more than 300 American men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice; and leave visitors with an enduring memory of the historical significance and moral accomplishments of the war.

As the first veterans service organization to pledge its support, the VFW is proud to help honor the more than 600,000 Desert Shield and Desert Storm veterans through the building of the National Desert Storm War Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Our donation of $100,000, the first payment toward our financial pledge of $500,000 to the National Desert Storm Memorial Association, helps put the memorial's budgetary goals and 2021 construction completion date within reach. But, we can't do it alone. 


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Vietnam 50th Commemoration

Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemorative Program 

We were proud to sign on as a Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemorative Partner back in 2014.

Designed for federal, state and local communities, veterans' organizations and other nongovernmental organizations to assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring our Vietnam veterans and their families, we are encouraging VFW Posts and our supporters to participate in the Commemoration of the Vietnam War by planning and conducting events and activities that will recognize the Vietnam veterans and their families' service, valor and sacrifice.

Events and activities should be dignified, memorable occasions that show a sensitivity and appreciation for the solemnity of war and the losses suffered by many. Commemorative Partners should communicate how their events will achieve the congressionally-mandated objectives of the program. 


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