KANSAS CITY, Mo. – This Friday marks 118 years since 13 Spanish-American War veterans gathered in a small tailor shop in Columbus, Ohio, to discuss how they could assist their fellow veterans and the dependents of their fallen comrades. Soon joined by American veterans from the Philippine Insurrection, their selfless desire to care for those who share a common bond forged by war laid the foundation for the multifaceted, powerhouse organization that is known worldwide as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. 
The men who founded the VFW challenged the status quo, and helped to forever change how our nation cares for her veterans, service members and their families. Virtually every military and veteran quality of life program created in this century and last is due to the tenacity and perseverance of VFW members to ensure that a nation that creates veterans properly takes care of them when they return home.
And though the VFW has evolved over the years, it still operates with the same vision that birthed it back in 1899, which is to care for those who serve our nation in uniform. The VFW is an organization created by veterans, for veterans, and owes all that it has accomplished to its members: the lifeblood of our organization.
Now, as then, the VFW is proud to proclaim “No One Does Does For Veterans.” Happy Birthday, VFW!