VFW Offers Special Bond for Vets

'We have a special bond of which that the rest of the citizens of the United States do not know'

The Veterans of Foreign Wars gives witness to the fact that we have a special bond of which that the rest of the citizens of the United States do not know. 

We served together on a land far away in a time of war and conflict as soldiers in arms. During this time in our lives, we developed special relationships and bonds with our fellow comrades in arms.  

This bond is so special that time does not affect our relationships. I can attest to this as fact having the privilege of being reunited with a couple of my Army buddies after a separation of more than 30 years.   

It was a tremendous feeling to be with them again. We treasure those memories even though some were not pleasant. We are saddened when one of them passes on from this life.  

I always enjoy meeting new comrades. Due to our shared experiences in the military, we also can establish a bond. 

In a similar manner, we who have established a relationship with God enjoy the company of others of like faith, even if we have never met them before.  

This bond is deeply rooted in our relationship with God and it is eternal. Yes, we are saddened when one of them passes on, but we know we will see them again in eternity.  Today, I encourage you to read the Bible or spiritual book of your choosing – trust and believe in the one who spoke it all in being.


