‘I Love My Fellow Veterans’

With therapy dog Sansa by his side, veteran Alan Deogracias is #StillServing his community

Las Vegas, Nevada, veteran Alan Deogracias is #StillServing his community. His companion, Sansa, a therapy dog, serves alongside him.

Together, they visit the local VA hospital once a week as a therapy dog team. Deogracias also serves coffee each week at the VA Northwest Clinic.

Veteran Alan Deogracias and his companion therapy dog, SansaOutside of his VA volunteer work, Deogracias is the community service officer of VFW Post 12198. He helps foster community connection and reports on all service efforts for the Post.

“I love my fellow veterans, and I want to serve them in thanks for all they’ve done for our nation,” he said.

September is National Service Dog Awareness Month. For more information on the VFW #StillServing campaign, visit vfw.org/StillServing.


