'They Are Not Forgotten’

Pennsylvania VFW Post sends care packages to overseas troops

A VFW Post in the Rust Belt continues its mission of supply troops deployed to the Horn of Africa with much-needed care packages.

Military troops overseas receive VFW care package
Soldiers of the Army National Guard’s 112th Infantry Regiment in the Horn of Africa show off new baseball equipment sent to them by VFW Post 470 in Erie, Pa. Currently, troops in the Horn of Africa are requesting several items for care packages, including baseball gloves, baseballs, ramen noodles and hot sauce. PHOTO COURTESY OF 112TH INFANTRY REGIMENT
VFW Post 470 in Erie, Pa., has gathered enough items to fill 52 large boxes. VFW Post 470 Commander Robert Depew said the most requested items for troops deployed to the Horn of Africa include: puzzles, sunscreen, baby wipes, hot sauce, ramen noodles, Halloween candy and flavor packets for water, such as Gatorade or Powerade. Baseballs and baseball gloves also are highly requested.

Depew said earlier this year he received an email from the VFW Department of Pennsylvania that requested care packages for units based in Pennsylvania. Depew noticed one of the units was the Army National Guard’s 112th Infantry Regiment, based near Erie in Cambridge Springs and Lewiston.

Depew also said that troops from the regiment are thankful for the care packages.

“We are making sure that they are not forgotten,” said Depew, who served as an Army Military Police Officer in 79-82 at South Korea’s Camp Humphreys. “It’s nice to know people are thinking about you, especially when you are overseas in the military.”


