VFW Action Alert: Take Action to Avoid Lapse in VA Benefits

Tell Congress to pass the Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act

Recently, VA announced a budget shortfall that may delay the timely delivery of benefits to people nationwide. Veterans, family members, and caregivers have earned VA benefits through service and we are frustrated to hear certain VA benefits may not be adequately funded through the end of the fiscal year. This is not a problem caused by Congress, however, our elected officials in Washington, D.C., have the responsibility to ensure benefits are paid on time to those who have earned them.

VFW Issues an Action AlertEach year Congress has provided VA with the resources it requested for veterans’ care and benefits and they must ensure that happens this time as well. Congress must pass a supplemental funding bill by Sept. 20 to make sure veterans, survivors, and caregivers receive their next months’ benefit payment without interruption.

Congress must also hold VA accountable to make sure issues like this don’t happen in the future. This accountability though can happen AFTER Congress provides supplemental funding, so veterans, survivors, and caregivers don’t go without, or face financial difficulties due to inadequate government funding. 

Contact your elected representatives today and urge them pass the Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act to provide supplemental funding for VA benefits in order to make sure these vital programs are funded through the end of the fiscal year. 


