When VFW members converge on Capitol Hill in March for VFW’s Washington Conference, members are encouraged to meet with their lawmakers to discuss VFW’s 2025 Priority Goals.
VFW magazine would like to see your photos of these meetings. The best of the best will be printed in a future issue of the magazine.
While group photos of members meeting with their representatives or senators, action shots are the best. Take photos as issues are being discussed.
Here are more tips on taking great photos:
- Do not shoot the backs of heads. Move into a position that allows faces to be seen.
- Try not to get “Exit” signs or other signs that appear to be sitting on an individual’s head.
- Take more than one photo of the same shot in case someone has their eyes closed.
- If you must take a staged group shot, have some people standing, while others sit or kneel. Avoid lining individuals up in a line.
Please email your photos to magazine@vfw.org by March 10. Then watch for the May/June VFW magazine to see if your photo made the cut.
This article is featured in the 2025 January issue of Checkpoint. If you're a VFW member and don't currently receive the VFW Checkpoint, please contact VFW magazine at magazine@vfw.org.