Warming the Community with Open Arms

VFW Post 6291 serves as warming center

This winter, VFW Post 6291 has served as a warming center for the Murray, Kentucky, community when temperatures drop below 30 degrees.

Post 6291 Commander Richard J. Owens said the Post opened as a warming center in January for 20 days in conjunction with local emergency management officials.

person wearing a scarf holding a mugHe said during that time the Post served nearly 100 people, 22 of which stayed there 24 hours a day. The 22 people were served a minimum of two meals a day and everyone was welcome to winter necessities.

According to The Herald Ledger, the Post provided blankets, clothes, pillows, shoes, warm food and a place to sleep for those in need.

Owens said they distributed more than $40,000 worth of cold weather essentials to community members during those 20 days.

“We call our Post a family, and we all come together as a family to look after one another,” Owens added. “We took an oath to serve our country, and that oath never died.”

The Post will open as a warming center in the future on an as-needed basis when temps drop.

This article is featured in the 2025 February issue of Checkpoint. If you're a VFW member and don't currently receive the VFW Checkpoint, please contact VFW magazine at magazine@vfw.orgArticle written by Madeline Mapes, a freelance writer based in Kansas City, Missouri.


