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2024 VFW Washington Conference














The 2024 VFW Washington Conference was held held March 3-7, 2024, in Washington, D.C.

For nearly 75 years, the VFW's annual Washington Conference has provided an opportunity for VFW leaders from each state to personally lobby their respective lawmakers and watch as the VFW's current Commander-in-Chief testifies on Capitol Hill before the House and Senate Veterans' Affairs Committees on behalf of veterans.

Guest speakers are invited to address conference delegates, and since 1964, the VFW's Congressional Award has been presented annually to one sitting member of the House or Senate for their significant legislative contributions on behalf of those who have worn the uniform. This year, the VFW presented its 2024 Congressional Award to Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) for his steadfast support to veterans, service members, their families and survivors.

Also at the event, the national winners of the 2023-2024 Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen scholarship contests were announced, with both first place winners reading their winning essay before conference delegates after being presented with their winnings. VFW National Commander Duane Sarmiento was joined by VFW Auxiliary President Carla Martinez to announce this year’s national Voice of Democracy first place winner, Sophia Lin, and present her with the top $35,000 T.C. Selman Memorial Scholarship first place prize. Lin, a high school junior at BASIS Scottsdale in Scottsdale, Arizona, was sponsored by Scottsdale VFW Post 3513. She delivered her winning essay on the theme, “What Are the Greatest Attributes of Our Democracy?” during this year's Parade of Winners ceremony that was sponsored by Twisted X. 

Also featured during the awards ceremony was the 2023-2024 Patriot’s Pen first place winner, Bryant Day. Sponsored by VFW Post 9943 and its Auxiliary located in Mansfield, Ohio, Day was awarded the top Patriot’s Pen award of $5,000. He delivered his winning essay during the ceremony on this year’s theme, “How Are You Inspired by America?”

If you missed anything from the 2024 Washington Conference, we have you covered. Watch the events that unfolded on demand here. You can also catch up on the conversation online with #VFWDC2024 across social media platforms.

Get ready for the 2024 VFW Washington Conference by downloading the VFW Events app today! The app is available for download at both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store by searching “VFW Events."

2024 VFW Washington Conference VFW Event App Images 



